Full Stack & Mean Stack Developer

Full-stack web developers can manage both front-end and back-end website activities. They employ various programming tools and languages to manage a website’s interface, design, and backend functions, ensuring users have an enjoyable experience. However, the question is how full-stack relates to the MEAN stack.

Full-stack JavaScript developers utilize Mean Stack to build websites and web-based applications. Mean stack can support JavaScript programs that support client-side and server-side execution.

One of the two well-known web development concepts is full stack and mean stack. Selecting between two distinct web development concepts is essential because the future of your product is contingent on this. If the idea of web app development doesn’t match the product, it will not be as competitive in the marketplace. Your customers will be lost if your website fails to offer a memorable experience.

Full-stack and mean-stack are two essential elements in web-based development. However, they are often overlooked in the world of technology. We’ll try to identify an all-stack developer and an average-stack developer to dispel any confusion.

What is Full Stack Development?

Full-stack development allows you to perform frontend as well as backend programming.

However, full-stack development has the capacity or ability to develop server- and client-side web applications.

A full-stack developer utilizes web development tools like Visual Studio Code or GitHub to create an effective website.

You may still need to learn what a full-stack developer is.

  • A variety of backend languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • You may specialize in backend programming languages like Ruby, PHP, or Python.
  • Optional: Project Management, Visual Design, and Project Design.

Employers seek developers who can develop web pages or applications with both front-end and back-ends. This is a full-stack approach to programming. This is because they could play a variety of roles within the organization. Full-stack developers can take advantage of numerous opportunities to work as new companies join the market.

They can also use a variety of front-end frameworks. They have experience in web design, from designing an entirely new website to managing databases and tackling critical issues. They are experts in user-experience design and business logic. They can also be employed as consultants or guides whenever needed.

Client-side skills (Frontend)

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, React, Angular, Vue, Next, XML, DOM, Meteor, Backbone, etc.

Server-side skills (Backend)

PHP, ASP.net, Java, Python, Express, Node, Ruby, Golang, Svelte, etc.

  1. MySQL: MySQL is the most reliable and fundamental database and the basis for all the other databases. It records data in rows and tables. Using queries, we modify our databases.
  2. Oracle: This database is ideal for commercial use because of the advanced features in the most recent updates.
  3. PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database that uses advanced technology. It is built upon the horizontal scale and distributed SQL, which makes it appealing for the future.
  4. MongoDB: It is a NoSQL database. The data is stored in JSON and is schema-free.

There are several types of development options for the full-stack developer.

  1. MEAN stack MongoDB Developers, ExpressJS Developers, Node developers, and Angular developers.
  2. MERN stack MongoDB Express, Rest, Node.
  3. Django stack: JavaScript, Python, Django, MYSQL
  4. LAMP stack: Linux, Apache, MYSQL, PHP
  5. LEMP stack JavaScript: JavaScript for Linux, Nginx, and MYSQL.
  6. Ruby on Rails: JavaScript Ruby, SQLite Rails

Prerequisites to Becoming a Full-Stack Developer

You’ll require specific abilities to be a full-stack programmer.

  • They must know specific functions like deployment, atomization, and application.
  • Full-stack developers should be able to use backend languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Development in the entire stack is BFS. The developer should be able to run the website.
  • Any backend language, such as ASP, Python, or NodeJS, could be tailored. This would be highly beneficial.
  • They must also be acquainted with database programs such as SQLite, MySQL, and MongoDB.
  • We extend our arms to anyone interested in visual design, project management, user interfaces, UX, or other areas of visual design.

Knowing specific software is essential to becoming a full-stack, profound developer with a frontend and backend development background.

Advantages of Full Stack Development

  • A complete stack of features makes it easy to build a prototype. Developers also have the opportunity to study every technique in the development process.
  • Full-stack developers can switch between backend or frontend development based on their needs.
  • Full-stack development is highly cost-effective.
  • Ensuring all team members are together during full-stack development is much simpler.
  • Full-stack developers possess a rapid rate of adaptation.

Disadvantages of Full-Stack Development

  • There are many possibilities that the solution selected in full-stack development could be a disaster.
  • Full-stack developers can work with various capabilities, so staying current with the most recent developments could be challenging. They may not be up to date with the latest tools and techniques.
  • Full-stack developers are liable for a variety of things.

We’ve seen that developers who work in full stacks have many duties. Let’s examine their tasks.

The place of development for full-stack developers is a significant aspect in determining their salaries. Based on their experience level, full-stack developers earn between $80000 and $115000 a year.

Qualifications and Skills for Full Stack Developer

Full-stack developers must be able to communicate with clients and demonstrate exceptional organizational skills. Other requirements include:

  • Computer Science degree holder
  • The ability to communicate and solve problems is vital.
  • Careful attention to detail is essential.

Responsibilities for a Full Stack Developer

  • Web app development backend, along with frontend Web architecture
  • Full-stack developers should be able to work shoulder-to-shoulder with programming and website app language development.
  • They should ensure that the website applications that are developed are user-friendly.
  • They must be able to create and design perfect APIs
  • Collaboration with the developers to ensure the design of the website is perfect
  • They must also carry out this development plan from the beginning until its conclusion.

Where can I find full-Stack developers to Hire?

Businesses looking to recruit developers who can assist with everything from creating solutions, adding new features, building a complete stack project, or resolving an issue should hire the top full-stack developer.

Finding highly skilled full-stack programmers is challenging because many firms compete for these professionals. What is the solution? Recruiting full-stack remote developers with no compromise in quality is possible.

You can get Silicon Valley-quality full-stack developers through AddWeb Solutions at a substantially lesser cost. AddWeb Solutions allows companies to recruit full-stack developers remotely, fully vetted and ready to work in Silicon Valley. After evaluating their abilities in HTML/CSS and database systems (SQL and NoSQL), Java, Python, and ReactJS basic design skills and web-based architecture, AddWeb Solutions selects the most qualified full-stack developers.

What is the Ideal Time to Hire Full-Stack Developers?

Full-stack developers don’t have to be limited to programming. Full-stack engineers take on numerous duties. They are responsible for overseeing and communicating with other employees and managing capabilities. Hiring a full-stack engineer for your company will effectively hire an executive with high-level skills who will (and ought to be granted) the responsibility and high-quality development assistance.

Anyone who is not a techie and wants to join the field of software or develop the minimum viable product (MVP) will be able to employ a full-stack designer. This will enable them to oversee the company’s technical aspects and act as an eye when you are in a new place.

We hear complaints about slow-loading websites and applications every day. A full-stack software developer typically helps to fix the problem. Because they can combine talent from various software development fields, they are ideal for speeding up web-based applications.

Full-stack developers are available to hire to master the three-tiered web application design. The three-tier structure includes presentation, logic for business, and access.

How Do You Hire Full-Stack Developers?

Full-stack engineers can be skilled in frontend and backend programming. They are also proficient in the fundamentals. It would help if you had a solid back-end and front-end development foundation. That is a must for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also, you should verify their knowledge of servers when they are front-end developers. This includes API, PHP, and REST SOAP: cache, AWS, and other technologies.

While you can hire full-stack software developers, consider reaching out to community members. This allows you to get in touch with experienced software professionals that have been pre-screened. Developer communities provide a means for the NodeJS community to meet worldwide. They build a professional community that can tackle the more significant issues facing humanity. Contact the most prestigious developer communities when you’re looking for a full-stack developer.

Skills in-Demand

Full-stack developers should be knowledgeable in HTML to understand website layouts. They must also thoroughly understand CSS to ensure HTML components’ effective design and display. Finally, full-stack developers should understand CSS and HTML well enough to design an interactive, engaging front for mobile applications.

Full-stack developers must deeply understand JavaScript and related functions like React and Angular. JavaScript includes several helpful features, including prototypes, functions, and higher-order event delegation.

Every product and application requires a backend. A full-stack developer must be familiar with PHP, Python, and Ruby.

Full-stack web developers must comprehend the intricate and complex aspects of web design. Their primary job is to create sophisticated software applications that can arrange code in a way that allows them to categorize files, group information into database structures, and perform calculations.

When trying to employ full-stack programmers, it’s a good idea to ask technical questions and assess their soft skills, such as time management, concentration on details, and analytical skills.

GitHub Profile

Full-stack web designers must be able to utilize Git, the world’s most used Version Control System, Git.

Employers and hiring managers often ask when junior or intermediate workers could “check your GitHub.” This is a new trend in the field of developer evaluation. Many people are interested in what companies are looking for and what a quality GitHub account looks like.

With the development of technology, some old concepts about work have changed. The rise of repository sites, the increase in the open-source movement, the dramatic reduction in hosting expenses (both in terms of complexity and cost), and accessibility to publishing through app markets have all contributed to this.

Although experienced developers are unlikely to be interested in publishing their projects, commonly held prejudices and stigmas are overcome when posting personal work. A skilled programmer with plenty of experience but not much time available could be unable to showcase their accomplishments professionally, which is worth mentioning on their resume.

Development at a Lower Cost

A full-stack designer best handles marketing. This eliminates the need for specialists and consolidates the entire work process into one place. This also helps save money on hiring and managing. This allows you to have more control over the project than more people. They’ll be able to ensure they are taking all necessary precautions at the beginning of the job.

You can hire full-stack developers for a lesser cost. Full-stack developers possess a more comprehensive range of capabilities than two specialists. While larger businesses aren’t impacted, smaller and medium-sized enterprises must find efficient ways to expand their workforce.

Competent Partnership

A full-stack specialist in coding is an ideal option for collaborating productively. A full-stack specialist in coding can assist business owners in getting more value from their small ideas. A skilled developer can create an entire project from scratch. Startup developers who work in full-stack are well-informed about the market. To develop innovative solutions, they can analyze every possible scenario to create the product.


Full-stack technology requires programmers to be adept in multiple programming languages and able to adapt to various environments. Full-stack developers can work on the front end as well as the back end. Frontend developers blend raw code and user experiences using technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to make the project live.

Full-stack software offers new possibilities and broadens your options. Full-stack developers always look for methods to help their products differ. Developers are versatile because they have vast experience in web and mobile application development and can complete several projects. Developers can assume the roles of any development team member in emergencies or act as a substitute for their place.

Design the Most Effective MVPs and Future Product Managers

Full-stack development is the most appropriate option when your company is small or you need to test concepts. They can create an idea that has a minimal amount of viability. The best job for an experienced full-stack developer is to convert a feature concept into a working prototype. Vue.js has built-in templates that allow quick creation of reusable components. Vue.js is faster than React or Angular in creating and delivering applications.

Full-stack developers utilize various techniques and strategies to build dynamic, data-driven apps and websites that benefit users and the infrastructure behind them.

A stack is typically comprised of an online database such as MongoDB or MySQL a, a framework such as Express, Rails, or Laravel a p, a platform similar to NodeJS or PHP, and a client-side framework such as React, Angular, and Vue. Based on the requirements for the particular project, stacks like MEAN, MERN, LAMP stack, Ruby on Rails, and many more are needed. This includes servers, databases, as well as clients. A Full-Stack Developer should be able to accomplish this to ensure that every stack component works together.

Full-stack developers are great product managers. They understand technical capabilities and business needs and can make informed decisions based on all aspects.

What is MEAN Stack Development?

The stack is a JavaScript-based framework tool and source for creating online applications.

MEAN = MongoDB + Express.js+ Angular +Node.js

The stack is a favoured framework for creating sophisticated and dynamic web applications.

Businesses like PayPal and Fiverr utilize the MEAN technology stack.

The MEAN stack lets you develop web applications, microservices, APIs, and microservices.

MEAN stack engineers are specialists in a specific field. This stack development requires particular techniques, such as MongoDB, ExpressJS, and AngularJS. The MEAN stack’s two main advantages are its versatility and usage of JavaScript. Because they all use JavaScript well, JS expertise is necessary for a MEAN stack designer.

The main uses of MEAN stack technology are: MEAN stack technology is:


MongoDB is an accessible, open-source, cross-platform database developed using C++. It’s highly recommended for managing a massive database system with thousands of entries.  MongoDB is an ideal tool for developers working on a mean stack since it can be constructed easily using JavaScript.


Express.JS is a scalable light server platform for creating hybrid, single-page, and multi-page websites. It can be used with templates built using the Pug engine.


Google maintains Angular. AngularJS’s primary purpose is to allow web-based applications to utilize MVC. This structure (MVC-based) simplifies testing and allows AngularJS developers to develop more efficient websites.

AngularJS is a dependency injection and data binding platform; therefore, it is not subject to a penalty code.


It is a client-side JavaScript execution platform that enables middle-stack developers to develop web-based applications. Node.js is a well-liked option for data-intensive, real-time applications dependent on time. It is available to developers using OS X or Linux.

Mean Stack allows developers to transfer code into another network. Mean stack allows high-speed custom website development.

The correct name for the stack would be ANEM. This is the order in which it stacks. MEAN, however, is more notable.

A MEAN Stack Developer deva elops using specific technology stacks to build a Full Stack application.

MEAN Stack Developers have become more sought-after by companies because of their ability to develop full-stack applications, and a median salary is lower than that of full-stack. Let’s discuss a mean stack’s duties, requirements, and salary.

MEAN Stack Developer Responsibilities and Requirements

A job advertisement for a MEAN stack developer position is similar to one for a Full-Stack Developer. You will be required to create frontend and backend systems as well as innovative features.

Job Description

  • You will gain hands-on experience and be able to handle NodeJS and MongoDB. AngularJS. and ExpressJS.
  • You’ll be able to create, design tests, and implement high-quality solutions that are flexible, responsive, and speedy.
  • As required, develop refinement, integrate, and create tools for development and software
  • In the course of the process of identifying production and non-production problems
  • Applications can be deployed onto the AWS cloud and swiftly troubleshoot hosting problems

Skills Required

  • Contributions from individuals
  • Know-how of Node.js/Complete Mean MongoDB as well as AngularJS and ExpressJS
  • Knowledge of PHP and jQuery MySQL. Symfony.
  • It is imperative to learn all you can about AWS and the management of servers.
  • Capability to manage and lead development teams
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as strong problem-solving abilities.
  • We welcome immediate members.
  • The highest salaries in the industry

Reputable Colleges offer B-Tech, MTech as well as MCA certifications

Extra Information: Good at research, committed.

The median MEAN Developer’s Salary in the USA is $71,628. The minimum salary is $50,000. The median is $70,000 and the top one is $100,000.

Pros of MEAN Stack Development

The top advantages that come from MEAN stack design.

  1. MEAN stack is built on JavaScript, one language that facilitates execution and is also more productive.
  2. It efficiently uses memory or a footprint of memory, which is the program’s primary memory.
  3. MEAN stack development offers flexibility, meaning adding new features or improvements is easy after development.
  4. It is also possible to deploy web-based applications to the servers right away.

Cons MEAN Stack Development

MEAN stack development comes with its drawbacks:

  1. MEAN stack design is recommended for small projects.
  2. The MEAN stack’s most significant issue is its inability to trace back information from web development.
  3. MEAN stack Web Development doesn’t require any JavaScript code guidelines.
  4. It cannot be returned to the past, so all data can disappear. This makes it difficult to monitor changes and find the root of loopholes.

Tips for Hiring MEAN Stack Developers

Here are some steps you should take when hiring a MEAN-stack developer.

Write out all of your needs.

Write down all your project requirements and any success metrics before you decide to hire MEAN stack engineers. It is crucial to narrow your search to hire MEAN stack developers with the required skills. MEAN web stack design, for instance, will allow MVP development, handle both sides of an application, and speed up the delivery process.

Examine the candidate

If you are looking for MEAN stack experts to collaborate with, you must check if they meet these qualities.

  • MEAN stack developers must be proficient in their field and possess prior experience.
  • The capability to master several technologies, along with the ability to direct projects in the proper direction, be aware of customer needs, and adhere to the vision of the company
  • They can be adapted and are easy to work with.
  • They are great for helping to solve complex problems or time-related issues within the project team.

Learn techniques for managing projects.

Ensuring that MEAN stack developers possess excellent project management abilities is essential. The teams responsible for business development might not understand the entire technical aspect. MEAN stack experts are. However, they can oversee technical teams or even manage projects. They know the different phases during MEAN Stack web development and provide detailed timelines for every person involved in the project.

Essential Skills are Required to Hire MEAN Stack Developers

In addition, they should have MEAN stack development expertise to deliver top-quality web design and development services.

  • NodeJS and Express.js – NPM. REST. CRUD. Grunt.io, along with Node.js multiprocessing capabilities.
  • AngularJS Typescript and Bootstrap Grid System expertise in dependency injection SPAs, pipes, and testing.
  • MongoDB is a NoSQL database that excels at querying, ingestion, and modelling data. It also allows replication and sharding.

Also, they should be acquainted with the following:

  • JavaScript fundamentals
  • HTML & CSS
  • GIT and DevOps

Explore their portfolio of projects in development

A seasoned MEAN stack developer should have a strong portfolio of previous projects. Request them to show their work to understand their development skills better.

It doesn’t suggest that jQuery developers shouldn’t be considered a separate category. These developers are keen to acquire new techniques and are only getting started in their field.

Questions to ask during an interview with a technical expert

Here are a few questions you can ask to determine the level of expertise of MEAN stack developers during interviews.

  • JavaScript allows you to define Scope and Routing Guard and Service.
  • What’s the distinction between binary search and linear search?
  • How do you set up an individual counter without closing?
  • Recognize the differences in Node.js from AJAX.
  • What exactly does “callback” actually mean?
  • What makes SQL distinct from MongoDB?
  • Distinguish between classes and interfaces.

Learn about technological advancements

A skilled MEAN stack developer should know the most recent technological developments. The programmers must also be aware of consumers’ expectations and evolving technology. They must be able to keep their customers updated on advanced technology and trends and incorporate them into their work.

Assess their soft abilities

They should also be able to comprehend and communicate the business needs. They should be able to explain the project’s progress and status to the stakeholders, negotiate challenges, and offer technical advice to the team if required. A skilled developer must possess excellent communication and interpersonal abilities to work in teams effectively.

Hire MEAN Stack developer

It’s time to hire MEAN stack developers to help propel your business forward. Hiring MEAN stack developers with extensive understanding and expertise in every aspect of development is essential to protect yourself from commercial risk.

Full Stack Developer Vs. MEAN Stack Developers

Full-stack development could make use of a powerful programming language that is server-side. The MEAN stack utilizes an alternative framework called the JavaScript framework. MongoDB is the sole database suitable to support MEAN’s development of stacks. Below are the distinctions between the Mean and Full stacks.

Development Language

Language development is verbally and orally communicating an individual’s desires and needs. It involves using your spoken and auditory capabilities to convey these needs and wants. JavaScript or TypeScript is the primary development language within the MEAN stack that you can use to create your application. Full stack lets you use any server-side language, for example, PHP or Python.

Database Support

Full stack, as well as MEAN stacks, can support various kinds of databases. Database support refers to the kind of database supported. The full stack, as well as the MEAN stack, can support a variety of databases. It is crucial to determine which kind of database they can help. MongoDB is used to implement the MEAN stack’s capabilities. Full stack lets you manage databases using MySQL, MongoDB, and SQLite3 open-source databases.

Technology Stack

The stacks of technology are tools businesses utilize to develop and manage projects and applications. They could be an individual technology or a mix of various technologies. Node.js and Express are both part of the MEAN Stack, as are AngularJS and MongoDB. Full-stack apps use PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL databases.

Mobile Support

Mobile support refers to accessing apps or software on phones or mobile devices. The Ionic Framework works with the MEAN stack. The full stack supports two platforms, PhoneGap/Cordova and Appcelerator Titanium.

Server-side Template

Server-side templating uses HTML code generated by the server to render content. The MEAN stack utilizes Handlebars as the server-side language for templating. Full stack supports Twig, Jade, and PHP as an on-server templating language.


The performance of full stacks and MEAN stacks is defined by speed and concentration. One of them is easier to construct than the other and is focused on the specific uses for which it was designed. MEAN stack can be built faster than a Full Stack because it focuses more on particular uses. Full stack is more difficult to make since it has no specific usage case.


Open source is software whose source code is open to anyone who wants to read or modify it. It is a crucial characteristic of the MEAN stack. Software running on a full stack won’t become open source.

The Key Takeaway

There is no significant distinction between the full and mean stacks when using a server and a client-side programming language. This allows developers to be more adept at different languages. Full-stack developers can use many languages but are proficient in one language within the mean stack. This means that the average stack developer is less elegant.

Full-stack as well as MEAN-stack developers for hire both desire computer programming. They can be described as full-stack development and are highly sought-after by corporations worldwide. For a more informed choice, you must look at the requirements for every field.

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