WordPress Optimisation

Imagine you visit a website and.. and it… take…s dog’s y….ears to load. What would you do – bear with its slow-paced speed and stick by its side, no matter how much time it demands to be loaded, or quickly close the tab and move out to finder and faster alternative? Well, now imagine the same situation by putting yourself in the place of that website owner’s position. It’s much more a worrisome situation than the former one, right! In the previous situation, the visitor merely loses a few minutes but will eventually find an alternative to their search. But for a website owner, it’s about losing a potential customer who could have helped better the ROI of his website. This is where the need for website optimization comes in. And maybe, hence, WordPress site optimization is more of a need than a luxury in today’s day and age! 

Today, WordPress is one of the most chosen platforms, whether for small blogs or some heavily loaded website with high traffic. And no matter which type of WordPress site you have, optimizing the same is highly required. WordPress site optimization will help you build a compelling connection with your visitors, eventually leading to better business opportunities for you. Let us share a handful of significant aspects that prove why WordPress site optimization, in today’s age, is more of a need than a luxury!  

Imagine you visit a website and.. and it… take…s dog’s y….ears to load. What would you do – bear with its slow-paced speed and stick by its side, no matter how much time it demands to be loaded, or quickly close the tab and move out to find a better and faster alternative? Well, now imagine the same situation by putting yourself in the place of that website owner’s position. It’s much more a worrisome situation than the former one, right! In the previous situation, the visitor merely loses a few minutes but will eventually find an alternative to their search. But for a website owner, it’s about losing a potential customer who could have helped better the ROI of his website. This is where the need for website optimization comes in. And maybe, hence, WordPress site optimization is more of a need than a luxury in today’s day and age! 

Today, WordPress is one of the most chosen platforms, whether for small blogs or some heavily loaded website with high traffic. And no matter which type of WordPress site you have, optimizing the same is highly required. WordPress site optimization will help you build a compelling connection with your visitors, eventually leading to better business opportunities for you. Let us share a handful of significant aspects that prove why WordPress site optimization, in today’s age, is more of a need than a luxury! 

Why WordPress Site Optimisation?

  • The attention span of a website visitor is way too small. They’ll not keep waiting if your site takes time to load. In fact, as per a study by Microsoft, in the current digital era, ‘s attention span of a human is lesser than that of a Goldfish. 
  • According to an experience shared by ManageWP, a 4-second load-time on their WordPress website had decreased the traffic by 50%. And the only resolution to this is WordPress Site Optimisation. 
  • An optimized WordPress Site can also result in higher ranking and spider crawling on the search engine. 
  • Increased WordPress site speed leads to increased attention span and improved visitor experience, which can eventually enhance business numbers. 

How to Optimise a WordPress Speed Optimization Site?

Given the extensive and wealthy library of the WordPress community, one of the most favorable and effective ways of optimizing a WordPress site is – the WordPress Optimisation Plugins. They’re readily available on the WordPress dashboard and need no high-tech knowledge to implement it. Let us share a handful of highly used and recommended plugins for WordPress Optimisation:


W3 Total Cache

One of the most popular and highly used plugins for WordPress optimization, W3 Total Cache is also one of the most easily implementable plugins. It comes loaded with a bundle of caching features, viz. Page Cache, Minify CSS & HTML, Object Cache, Database Cache, Browser Cache, CDN Integration, et al. 

WP Super Cache

Yet another easy setup and favored plugin for WordPress optimization, WP Super Cache is an immensely used caching plugin. This particular plugin is crafted to be categorised for both the users – beginners and the advanced ones. It has features like Serve Static HTML Files, CDN Support, Cache Rebuild, Extra HomePage Checks, et al. 

WordPress Inspector

For optimizing and checking the website’s performance, security, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and speed, WordPress Inspector scans the entire website like an inspector. He filters out the probably broken themes and plugins. It comes loaded with some website performance-elevating features like checking issues related to slow speed and SEO, testing performance, identifying broken Links and themes, Testing Security Issues, et al.

WP Smush.it

WP Smush is a plugin meant for automatically compressing the website’s images. It does so to eliminate the website loading-time issue caused by the images—without even affecting the quality of the image. It comes loaded with several effective features, such as Image Optimization, Compressing older images, Cropping Out Metadata from JPEGs, etc. 

A bundle of other such plugins is available in the WordPress community’s library that can be used to optimize the WordPress website with minimal/no technical assistance. In fact, the professional assistance taken for the same turns out to be affordable and profitable in several other aspects. As we said, WordPress Site Optimization is no longer a luxury but a need. It’s more of an investment than an expense. 

To know more about the same or share your suggestions, contact our team here, and we’ll be glad to help/learn!

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress Speed Optimization Services

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