WooCommerce Mobile App

The mobile revolution is creating a new buzz in the eCommerce industry. Mobile eCommerce apps are changing the way people shop online. COVID-19 has transformed the eCommerce industry since the last few months. Mobile apps are becoming an inevitable part of the eCommerce sector. In today’s competitive retail sector, business owners need to think of the most innovative methods to reach the target audience.

  • Are you looking for the best ways to generate more revenue from your WooCommerce website?
  • Do you find it challenging to make profits from your eCommerce store?
  • Searching for the best marketing plans for your eCommerce website?

A sound investment in mobile app development can help you get the best ROI. It is important that your eCommerce mobile app delivers an amazing user experience to your customers. Hiring the right mobile app developers can help to increase the profitability of your business.

revenues from WooCommerce Mobile App

Why should WooCommerce store owners opt for mobile apps?

  • Mobile apps for better speed

Did you know that a slow-loading website can kill your business? Users hate slow sites and they are likely to leave the website and go to your competitors’ sites. The same rule applies to mobile applications. A slow mobile app can frustrate the users and they may uninstall the app from their devices if it takes a lot of time to load.

Mobile apps are faster than mobile sites and so, they help the users perform activities quickly. As apps store all the information locally on the devices, they usually are 1.5x faster than websites. It takes only a few seconds to recover the information when using a mobile application. On the other hand, mobile sites bring in the information from web servers, and it may take a few seconds to pull the information.

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  • Brand recognition

Mobile apps help eCommerce owners to build stronger connections with the customers. Users may share links on social media websites or describe their experiences also. Mobile apps for your eCommerce website can strengthen brand loyalty. A word of recommendation from your customers can do wonders for your business.

Mobile applications encourage users to share links to their favorite products or websites. They may also prefer to share some feedback about the products they purchased. It can be a good idea to power your mobile app with social sharing options so that happy customers can share their reviews and feedback, and potential users may be able to make the right decision. This is one of the cheapest and effective marketing tactics for eCommerce business owners as it will help the brand make more sales online. It improves your brand value and reputation also.

  • Increased conversion via push notifications

Most of the top eCommerce apps send push notifications to the users, which helps them increase the conversion rates. Push notifications are cheaper as compared to traditional SMS. The eCommerce app owners do not need to collect a huge database with mobile numbers for sending SMS to the users. Push notifications are more effective than emails also. Attract your potential users with push notifications as they are difficult to ignore for mobile app users. Sending reminders to the customers about the latest offers or promotions can help you increase your sales and profits.

  • Boost loyalty

People who visit your website may be looking for some details or information. On the other hand, users who download your app may be the right potential audience. In addition, users spend two to three times more time on apps as compared to mobile sites. You can personalize the users’ experience by providing relevant suggestions according to their previous browsing history or purchases. Rewards or loyalty points can encourage the users to keep coming back to your WooCommerce store for purchasing products online.

  • Enhanced UX

Your online store will be the face of your brand. While browsing apps on mobile devices, users expect easy navigation and faster responses. Mobile apps have limited space and there’s no room for irrelevant buttons and banners. With fewer distractions, users will be able to complete the checkout quickly. Your customers will return more often when they get a satisfying shopping experience.

Whether you own a WooCommerce store or planning to build one, our experts can help you boost your profits. As we have huge expertise in WooCommerce development, we can deliver the best solutions to help your business grow. We can help you choose the best plugins for WooCommerce that make your business reach new heights. Let’s connect with us to discuss how to convert your eCommerce website into a mobile app that generates huge profits in a short span of time.

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